Happy Mother’s Day 2023: Top 50 Wishes, HD Images, Quotes & Messages

Hello friends, today we are discussing about the most popular celebration International Mother’s Day. This day is celebrated in different countries of the world including the USA. By 1914, the day was formalized when US President Woodrow Wilson signed a proclamation declaring Mother’s Day to be observed on the second Sunday in May.

A mother is an important figure in many families around the world and throughout history. It is traditionally the mother who has done the often thankless job of running the family and household for us. Mothers sacrifice a lot for their families and are rarely given the recognition they deserve. Learn more about Mother’s Day and get ready to celebrate.

History of Mother’s Day:

Although the celebration of Mother’s Day began in ancient Greece. Later part of the tradition came to the UK and Europe as a celebration during Lent, called “Mothering Sunday”. The modern version of Mother’s Day, originally in May, first began in the United States in the early 1900s.

The main impetus behind the day was the contribution of Anna Jarvis, who later started the tradition of a day to honor mothers after her mother died in 1905. The first day was held in 1907 as a worship service at an Episcopal church in West Virginia. This is how the tradition of Mother’s Day started. Thus the day has been observed in North America as well as many countries around the world, although it is not always celebrated in May depending on different locations.

Why is Mother’s Day celebrated?

Happy mothers Day is a day to thank our mothers for all their hard work. Thank them that they are the builders of a nation. Another main objective is to increase the respect of the mother. May all the mothers of the world be well.

Who observes this day?

This day is specially observed in different countries of the world including the United States. People of all professions celebrate this day. Also, our parents also observe this day.

How do people celebrate Mothers Day?

People of all professions and our parents take the day to do something for their mothers to show their appreciation. One way to remember Mom is with a nice card, an email, a gift card, or chocolate. Let your mother know that you appreciate and pay tribute to her past hard work and patience on this day.

When is Mother’s Day?

It is observed on the second Sunday in the middle of every May, known as Happy Mother’s Day.

Holly Day Day Date Year
International Mothers Day Sun Day May, 14 2023
International Mothers Day Sun Day May, 12 2024
International Mothers Day Sun Day May, 11 2025
International Mothers Day Sun Day May, 10 2026
International Mothers Day Sun Day May, 09 2027
International Mothers Day Sun Day May, 14 2028

Happy Mother’s Day 2023: Wishes

Happy Mother’s Day 2023: Messages

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