Why Did Twitter Logo Change to Doge? Elon Musk

Without a previous announcement, Twitter CEO Elon Musk changed the app logo from its blue bird to a Shiba Inu dog, a symbol often associated with the coin. Monday, April 3, Twitter changed the logo on its homepage from the iconic white bird to a picture of Doge, an internet meme based on a photo of a Shiba Inu dog.

The price for cryptocurrency dogecoin spiked by about 30% Monday after  Elon Musk changed the app logo from its blue bird to a Shiba Inu dog, a symbol often associated with the coin.

It’s common for businesses to expand or shift their focus, such as adding a new lineup of products or even merging with another company. If the business has changed in some significant way, consider changing the logo to reflect those changes.8 reasons are enough to change the logo:

  1. Complex logos
  2. Being perceived as contemporary
  3. Visual appeal for the audience that keeps evolving
  4. Company merger/ acquisition
  5. Adapt to modern social media
  6. Change in company focus and values
  7. Standing out
  8. Continuous evolution
  9. about Shiba Inu dog

What is Shiba Inu Dog?

An ancient Japanese breed, the Shiba Inu is a little but well-muscled dog once employed as a hunter. The spirited, good-natured Shiba is the most popular companion dog in Japan. The adaptable Shiba is at home in a town or the country.

The Shiba Inu dog breed was originally bred to flush birds and small game and was occasionally used to hunt wild boar. They’re one of Japan’s six native breeds: Akita (large), Kishu, Hokkaido, Kai, Shikoku (medium), and Shiba (small).

Why is the Doge Logo on Twitter?

A longtime critic of Twitter before he purchased it, complained about the site, and change the logo from a bird to a dog and a user replied that he should just buy Twitter the idea came about after Musk.

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