Happy National Watermelon Day 2023: Images, Quotes & Wishes

Happy National Watermelon Day 2023: Images, Quotes & Wishes – On August 3, there will be a celebration honoring the cool summer treat that is popular at fairs and picnics. Because it is 92 percent water, watermelon is also highly satiating in the summer heat. In the English language, the term “watermelon” first occurred in 1615.

History Of National Watermelon Day

We commemorate National Watermelon Day because it is deserving of its own day due to the juicy, refreshing nature of the fruit. The first known watermelon harvest took place in Egypt about 5,000 years ago, while cultivation of this fruit dates back to 2000 B.C. Watermelons and their seeds have been found in traces on 12th Egyptian Dynasty sites, including King Tutankhamun’s tomb. Ancient Egyptian texts have also been uncovered to contain paintings of several varieties of watermelons.

Over the span of a thousand years of cultivation, the sweet fruit we enjoy today has undergone changes. The Kalahari Desert in Africa trade routes where watermelon seeds are sales to travelers. From there, watermelon farming spread throughout Africa. The watermelon’s ancestor originated in Africa, and from there it moved to the Mediterranean region and other regions of Europe.

By the end of the ninth century, watermelon growing becomes very common in China and the rest of Asia. The term “watermelon” first appears in the English language in 1615. according to John Mariani’s “The Dictionary of American Food and Drink.”Although it is sometimes thought of as a form of melon, the watermelon does not belong to the genus Cucumis. A watermelon’s outer skin is dark green with yellow patches or stripes. In the United States, there are over 300 different types of watermelon that range from red to white and are available in a variety of sizes and shapes.

How To is Celebrated?

Celebration of the National Watermelon Day

Wishes Messages 2023:

National Watermelon Day Images Messages 2023

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