
Happy Autumnal Equinox 2023: History, Wishes & Quotes

Happy Autumnal Equinox 2023: History, Wishes & Quotes – The sun crosses above Earth’s equator in September, traveling from north to south. The following September equinox will occur on September 23, 2023, at 1:04 UTC (8:04 p.m. CDT on September 22 for central North America; translate UTC to your time). The sun moves from north to south as it crosses above Earth’s equator on this equinox. Therefore, days and nights are roughly identical in length for everyone on Earth. Equinox is a combination of the Latin words aqua (equal) with nox (night).

Describe an Equinox

More time was spent outside by the first people than it is now. They were using the sky as a clock as well as a calendar at the same time. The sun’s journey all across the sky, the amount of daylight, and the places where sunrise and sunset occur all changed in a predictable fashion over the year, as they could clearly see. Each equinox or solstice is now recognized as an astronomical event.

Happy Autumnal Equinox Quotes

It results from the Earth’s perpetual orbit of the sun and tilt on its axis. The tilt of the Earth, for instance, is 23 1/2 degrees. Thus, during the year, the Northern as well as Southern Hemispheres of Earth alternate in whose region receives the most direct sunlight and warmth.

When the tilt of the Earth’s axis and Earth’s rotation around the sun mix in such a way that its axis is tilted neither away from nor towards the sun, we experience an equinox twice a year in the spring and fall. In actuality, around the equinox, the sun’s rays reach both hemispheres of the planet roughly evenly. As seen from the equator, the sun is overhead at midday. As a result, day and night are roughly equal. Naturally, Earth’s orbit around the sun never stops. As a result, these days of almost equal amounts of day and night will quickly shift.

An excellent day to locate due east and due west

Determining the directions due east or due west from your preferred location to observe the sky is easiest on the equinox day. That’s because, usually speaking, at the equinoxes, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. No matter where on Earth you reside, it is true. Why? We always see the same sky, after all. There is a due east and straight west point on the horizon everywhere on Earth, with the exception of the North and South Poles. The celestial equator, which is a hypothetical line that lies above the actual equator of the Earth, intersects your horizon at that precise location.

So with that in mind, head outside at dusk or dawn and pay attention to where the sun is situated in relation to well-known landmarks. In fact, if you follow these instructions, you will be able to utilize these landmarks in the next weeks and months to locate those cardinal directions, long after Earth has migrated on in its orbit of the sun, bringing the sunrise & sunset points southward.

Natural indicators of the September Equinox

Here on the northern half of the Earth, awareness that summer is over and winter is on the way is pervasive right now. Indeed, the later dawns with earlier sunsets are obvious to those who reside in the Northern Hemisphere. Take note of the sun’s daily path across the sky as well. You’ll notice a southward tilt in it. Similar to how the sun moves, so do birds and butterflies as they migrate south. In addition, a cooler temperature is being brought on by shorter days. There’s a cold in the air. Some individuals have ceased wearing white in fashionable areas like New York City. The wild animals are donning their winter coats.

Hence why do meteorologists claim that fall officially starts on September 1?

Meteorologists frequently split the seasons into four three-month groups in order to compare seasonal weather more accurately between years. Since the September equinox marks the beginning of spring for those who live at the South Pole, they will see sunshine for the first time in six months. But the start of six months of the dark will be observed by people living at the North Pole.

How is the Happy Autumnal Equinox Observed?

At Stonehenge, druids gather to celebrate the equinox with song. Similar to the UK, China observes the anniversary with a harvest festival, whereas in Korea, a version of Thanksgiving is held.

Happy Autumnal Equinox Quotes 2023

  • “How beautifully leaves grow old! How full of light and color are their last days!” – John Burroughs
  • “No spring nor summer beauty hath such grace as I have seen in one autumnal face.” – John Donne
  • “And all at once, summer collapsed into fall.” – Oscar Wilde
  • “Anyone who thinks fallen leaves are dead has never watched them dancing on a windy day.” – Shira Tamir
  • “Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.” F. Scott Fitzgerald
  • “I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.” – L. M. Montgomery
  • “Don’t you love New York in the fall? It makes me want to buy school supplies. I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address.” – Nora Ephron
  • “It was one of those perfect English autumnal days which occur more frequently in memory than in life.” – P. D. James

Happy Autumnal Equinox

Happy Autumnal Equinox Messages

  • “Like this special day, let us find equality in everything and bid goodbye to the biasedness of inequality…”
  • “On this day, let us see the charisma of Nature…”
  • “Like the equal day and night on the September Equinox, may we acquire the perfect balance of everything in us…”
  • “It is like the Earth is sending a message that at the end of the day, everything is equal…”
  • “September Equinox can be Nature’s way of saying that Balance is important…”
  • “We must face the darkness before waiting for the light…”
  • “September Equinox is a day that reminds us that to see the bright, we will have to be ready to see the dark. In the end, we will have an equal balance of both…”
  • “May you acquire in you a balance of equal inner and outer strength on this Happy Autumnal Equinox 2022…”

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