Happy Armed Forces Day USA 2023: Top Wishes, Quotes & HD Images

Hello Dear Friends, Welcome to our Website. Here we discuss Armed Forces Day USA. Armed Forces Day is observed to honor and pay tribute to the heroes of the military who have sacrificed their lives in the service of the people and the country. This day was first initiated by President Harry S. Truman. This day is celebrated on the third Saturday of May every year. This year in America this day will be celebrated on Saturday 20 May 2023. To know more details stay with us continuously.

Who is Honored on Armed Forces Day?

Those who work in the army are proud children of the country; they do not hesitate to sacrifice their lives for their country. It is because of their great sacrifice that the country and the common people living within the country are protected. So this day is observed to pay respect to them. This day is celebrated by 6 army branches in America.

1) Air Force,

2) Army,

3) Coast Guard

4) Marine Corps,

5) Navy

6) Space Forces And also National Guard, Reserve Army.

The History of Armed Forces Day:

This day was not celebrated together with all the forces in the beginning. Army, Navy, and Air Force used to observe this day on different days. But Lewis Johnson was the first to change it on 21 August 1949 and he declared Armed Forces Day to be observed by all the armed forces. This will enable all forces to show respect on a blind day. This day was officially celebrated for the first time on May 20, 1950; the theme of this special day was “Team for Defense”. 10,000 veterans and 33,000 civilians participated on this day. In honor of the day, parades and colorful displays were performed in the skies over the capital by Air Force aircraft.

John F. Kennedy declared this day a public holiday in 1961, the day is observed on the third Saturday in May. On this day, military forces are honored and showcase their skills. Knowledge and information about the forces are given and their valor is talked about. The sacrifices made by the members of the army cannot be overstated.

This day is celebrated with respect not only in America but also in many countries of the world. such as Armenia, Australia and New Zealand, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Bulgaria, Burma, Canada, Chile, China, Cuba, Egypt, Finland, France, Georgia, Guatemala, Hungary, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Japan, Lebanon, Mali, Malaysia, Mauritania, Mexico, North Korea, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Russia, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Thailand, Ukraine, the United Kingdom, Venezuela, and Vietnam.

How to Celebrate Happy Armed Forces Day?

Below are some special ways to celebrate Happy Armed Forces Day US 2023.

Armed Forces Day Message 2023

Happy Armed Forces Day Quotes 2023

Armed Forces Day Wishes 2023

When is Armed Forces Day USA?

Here We give You The Armed Forces Day USA Date.

Date Day Year
20 May Saturday 2023
18 May Saturday 2024
17 May Saturday 2025
16 May Saturday 2026
15 May Saturday 2027
20 May Saturday 2028

We try to level best give you all information about Armed Forces Day. If you have any questions or comments then contact our website. We will answer quickly. Thanks a lot for staying with us.

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